This ‘poem’ came through on the evening of the full moon of 1/13.
press play on the vid below, before reading the poem…it’s an ingredient in the alchemy of this transmission.
perhaps too let it play some before dropping in, so you can attune. i invite you to read this s.l.o.w.e.r. than your normal reading pace…
sip and savor this medicine…as a poet would.
i’m not praying for water
and i honor those who do.
i’m not praying.
i sit quietly and listen.
i hear an invitation
for writing relationship
for right relationship
in council,
fire speaks.
fire says,
“feed me”
“…or i will feed myself, however i must
for like you, i am hungry.”
i’m not praying
what is needed,
is communicated
clearly and directly
like the light of the sun
or the cries of a child
what is needed
is here
what is
will be
what is needed is
i and the fire are one
i see fire
i taste fire
i touch fire
i smell fire
i hear fire
I AM fire
i love fire
Self speaks
fire listens
fire speaks
Self listens
i sit and listen
to this conversation
with my Self
to tend to this being
to tend to fire
to tend to life
to Self-care
to nourish
i prepare a buffet of offerings
in this temple of color
in this temple of life
that I AM stewards
i light candles
i feed the fire,
i feed the fire,
i feed the fire,
delicacies from around the world
i do not give the fire water.
the fire does not want water.
it speaks not of thirst.
it says it is hungry
and must eat,
not drink
so i feed the fire
i trust the fire
i trust the fire
knows what
it needs
together we dwell
in this sanctum
time burns away
way way away
i watch what it eats
and what it does not
i ask fire,
”would you like more”
as i ask of anyone whom
i welcome for a meal
in this holy temple
of my being
no words are spoken
a dance of glances
fire eats until full
I AM full
knowing is the language
we speak tonight
quietly and peacefully
together we embrace
the tender silence
we feel
gentle breeze
that flickers
fickle flame
the blurring of
what was
the blurring of
what is
the blurring of
what will be
in this blurring
the gaze softens
softer, softer
softens her
tensions melt
together as a we
we embrace
the soft glow
of the flame that brightens
the lightest of days
of the flame that lightens
the darkest of nights
“i see you”
says fire
”i see you seeing me”
says the fire
that says,
”i see you”
In Lak’ech
Ala K’in
eyes gaze
and meet
in presence
the power
of presence
tears flow
fires glow
in an offering
of holy heart
of life
life is born
of fire
says the One
born of fire
by: kenneth ira friedfertig
now i invite you,
to light a candle
sit with this fire
this flamed friend
breath, behold, soften
let the alchemy of life
melt and massage you
exactly as it does
listen and notice
what does fire
say to you?
what do you say
to this sacred fire?
what wisdom
rains down
on the fertile
grounds of
your being?
breath and bee
with this
Beautiful Bro. I had some similar attunements come into consciousness recently. Appreciate your heART!