Sunday, 3/30/25, 7p-9p pst
Registration + Zoom Details Below
7-9pm in Chinese Medicine is governed by the pericardium, the ‘heart’s guardian’, which will inform the energetics of our gathering and communal weaving.
Play this track while you read…
the power of me
the power of thee
the power of wee
the power of three
necessaree for alchemee
to be more than one
and less than none
at one and in One
we gather as One
What is Council with Ken?
Council is an ancient practice, universal in its form and function.
a gathering of beings
circled around a fire
speaking from the heart
listening from the heart
Ingredients whose resultant alchemy provides access to a third:
a rich and fertile field of collective resource, beyond that of each individual.
…and in this case, Council with Ken.
With me, kenneth (Ken to many), as your facilitator—and referring to the word: ken - (noun) one’s range of knowledge or sight. In colloquial Scottish, ken is a direct replacement for ‘know’ as in, ‘do you ken where my keys are?’
Council with “one’s range of knowledge or sight”
Ken is a person, place or thing, which is alchemically leveraged and amplified when assembled in a ‘collective body’; a ‘body’ made of many bodies.
One’s knowledge and sight—which i would propose is a resource—is expanded by way of individual presence in the circle of Council.
Council with Ken, as architected thru my direct experience is an opportunity:
to cultivate and experience new pathways of body-intelligence
for each individual to receive novel knowledge sourced from collective intelligence thru the ‘collective body’ formed by those who have assembled
an opportunity to have the ‘blank space’ colored thru connection
It is my great honor to gather for Council with Ken in service to each who attends; to the circle as a whole; and to all of life touched by the ripple of our gathering.
Your presence matters! Your voice matters! Your contribution matters!
Whatever emerges through you—story, song, poem, sound, movement, silence, something, or nothing—adds a unique spice to the communal stew that only you can provide.
i welcome you with open arms and an open heart to this council, constellation, and sacred ceremonial community gathering.
a magical and mystical experience awaits you.
❤️🔥 kenneth 🔥❤️
to learn more about me, click here.
Please make a Self-determined $$$ contribution from the ❤️ to:
[venmo] @ken-fried (last four 1576)
[paypal] kifried@gmail.com
You can send your contribution for exchange before or after we meet…i’ll let you decide what/how it serves you best in terms of determining the amount you would like to contribute in exchange.
Zoom info is below. Please do your best to be there when we start. I'll be sharing a brief-ish intro presentation; and container setting as we spiral into the actual Council.
Please bring a candle to burn for the duration of council, if you have one; and if not that's fine too. Also, something you can pick up and put down when you'd like to speak, your own personal 'talking stick/piece'.
As you may imagine, best to be in a quiet and comfortable place, where you won't be disturbed or disturbance is minimized.
Zoom Info:
Time: Mar 30, 2025 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 947 6587 6083
One tap mobile
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+12532158782,,97443622482#,,,,*1249305# US (Tacoma)
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/a38FAUXqo
Yes, No, somewhere in between?
i imagine there are at least 5 groups of people.
Those who do not hear the call and ‘no’ this is not for you.
wishing you the best in your travels!
Those who feel the ‘yes’ —and are ready and able to commit.
you know what to do.
Those who hear the ‘yes’ —and are ready, but can’t commit i.e., prior arrangements
i look forward to when it aligns!
Those who hear the ‘yes’ and in the face of obstacle, will not embark on the journey required to make arrangements to attend.
so be it!
Those who hear the ‘yes’ and despite ‘obstacles’ will embark on the journey required to make arrangements to attend.
some of you will make it into the container…
some of you won’t, regardless there will be lessons learned
i am holding the field and trust who is to attend, will.
if i can assist in your journey to attend in any way, do reach out. To learn more about your facilitator, Kenneth, click here.
Previous Council with Ken dates:
1/11/25 [Inaugural Event], 2/6/25, 1/24/25, 2/6/25, 2/19/25, 3/4/25, 3/17/25