Council with Ken
2/6, 3p-5:30pm pst
$11, $22, $33
Venmo: @ken-fried (last four 1576)
i’ll send further info + zoom link upon payment.
If you have a question you’re welcome to hit reply or drop a comment.
i look forward to gathering with you,
Greetings Kin,
Tomorrow we will gather for Council with Ken from 3p-5:30p pst.
3p-5p is the window governed by the Urinary Bladder Meridian, one of twelve 'Ordinary Meridians’ in Chinese Medicine.
Tomorrow we will gather in service to harmonizing with Self; with other; with life as it is; and with the web of we who gather. Together we will settle into the waters within and calmly and peacefully float down the winding river of our togetherness.
This morning i sat down and hand-wrote five pages of scribble, as my handwriting is rather wild and barely resembles english. While writing, i explored many questions, including, “what (if anything) aside from announcing the next council do i have to share in this message?”
An inquiry inspired by the seeming fact that i had nothing else to share.
as is often the case, writing revealed new depths of clarity to a nebulous introspective inquiry—and that, in fact, there was more than met the eye of emptiness.
Those of you reading my posts have witnessed the ongoing thematic development of my connection with the Tzolk’in calendar—and specific to Council with Ken, the association with the 13-day Trecena periods, which are a structural aspect of the divine design of the calendar.
In the announcement message for the prior Council with Ken, i mentioned Birgitte Racine and her reference to the 13-day period from 1/24/25 - 2/5/25 as the Trecena of Introspection. Further, she calls the period from 2/6/25 - 2/18/25 as the Trecena of Authority¹
Below is the Tzolk’in info for 2/6 from Tzolk’in Explorer. The day-sign is the Nahual of Oc / Tz’i (in K’iche) and too begins a 13-day period in the Trecena of Oc.
As i wrote this morning, i inquired:
“What do i have to share about introspection or authority?”
“nothing, but does this mean i have nothing to share?”
…of course not!
What i noticed was a curiosity, a pulse of interest, in the space between introspection and authority. The space between the end of introspection and the beginning of authority. What connects introspection and authority?
i wondered how introspection may birth authority—and wandered in writing to explore.
The Holy Trinity and the Power of Three
Where Me + You = We and 1 + 1 = 3
Council is the direct experience of Aristotle’s quote, the sum is greater than the parts.
The direct experience of the alchemy of connection.
The direct experience of contributing to a weaving of something greater than oneself.
The first Council with Ken occurred on 1/11/25 and the second on 1/24/25.
The third is scheduled for Thursday 2/6/25.
The power of we
the power of three
the power of thee
necessaree for alchemee
to be more than one
and less than none
at 1 and in One
we gather as One
As a weaver, i weave in the ways i weave.
if the first council symbolized me
and the second you
this third council symbolizes we
i declare it so.
i invite you to we!
where 1 + 1 = 3
What is between…?
asks the One who dwells in the between.
do you see?
we is bet(we)en
While writing earlier today, i wasn’t very interested in speaking on either introspection or authority; they both felt flat to me; so too the Nahauls and Trecenas.
During these 13-days i’ve not really studied or read or researched or done much of anything with the Tzolk’in… as i’ve been so consumed with, in and by the depths of my own multi-dimensional experience.
Again, i was interested in what is between introspection and authority.
Contemplating the matter brought me to neither, a space between, connected by both.
…and the in between is a space i’ve studied and lived full-time through direct experience; birthing my role as a life-passages guide***
“What if i don’t write about the Trecenas or even include the word Trecena in this writing, what then do i write about?” You write about what you’re inspired to write about.
You write about what you write about.
Do you.
Be you.
***on that important note***
Given the times and what is relevant and true for me, i’ve chosen to eliminate financial limitation as a barrier of entry to my offerings. All of my services are now offered in exchange for a “Self-determined amount, from the heart”
The gates are open,
…and there still must be fit and alignment for me to sail by your side.
Check out my site and if you feel the ‘yes’, schedule a connection call.
Shay Addams says the cosmic meaning of Oc is guidance, counsel, authority².
i only read this while drafting this message—and how apropos.
i am aware that i am not an authority on the Tzolk’in calendar. i am a student, learning, thru direct experience/exploration, some of which you are witnessing.
i am learning thru exploring the space between what i know and what i don’t know.
what i know i know and what i don’t know i don’t know.
and all the places and spaces between all the places and spaces.
It is through inquiry and introspection that i discovered my interest in the space between (while writing); a space i know well through my unique life journey of Self-actualization and embodiment.
Anything other than what i’ve actualized or embodied i am not an authority on.
i am only an authority on what is mine, and what is mine is what i’ve actualized through my lived experience.
and even that isn’t mine.
i do not own what i’ve actualized or experienced.
i share what i steward,
which is life lived.
i don’t actually know, thru direct experience, if Oc/Tz’i is about authority, guidance or counsel; but it seems others know that, through their direct experience.
…and what i discovered is this is at the heart of why i was not interested in writing about the Nahuals or Trecena’s, for as i shared in my prior announcement, “i’ve not yet lived long enough with the Nahauls to speak on them at length; as my relationship is only just beginning, at least in this life of remembrance.”
i’m not one to take on and assume others knowledge as fact; as life has revealed the enormity of distortion underpinning much knowledge; inclusive of ancient knowledge.
i sit with the fire.
i let the fire that I AM purify and reveal to me; thru me; thru my life; what is true—and what is relevant and for me; for what i am here to do and who i am here to be.
~~~ and so it is ~~~
in writing i discovered, through the authority sourced from inner gnosis, that i choose not to ‘take on’ others knowledge as authority; a condition of containment that has supported this particular exploration, sharing, and tapestry of revelation(s).
Authentic is defined as, “what is of undisputed origin; genuine.”
What i have shared with you here is authentic, authenticated by the one writing—an individuated expression of the One writing.
Influenced and inspired, in part, by others knowledge; an influence and impact i’ve done my best to purify at the fire of my being.
As i go down and in,
authenticity goes up and out.
…and i offer my sincere gratitude to Birgitte and Shay and the many others—seen and unseen, known and unknown—whom are supporting me in paradoxical ways to discover what i am discovering (and embodying) in my uniquely paradoxical, roundabout, and between way of being and doing things.
like a child, i push back
…and in pushing back, i meet
in equal measure the Self that I AM
…and that Self, embodied by i, is my domain of authority.
Whoosh. Wow.
What is Council?
Council is an ancient practice, universal in its form and function.
a circle, a fire, and a talking stick.
…ingredients whose resultant alchemy provides access to a third; a rich and fertile field of resource, beyond that of each individual.
It is my great honor to gather for Council with Ken in service to community; those gathered; and all of life.
Your presence matters! Your voice matters! Your contribution matters!
Whatever emerges through you—story, poem, movement, silence, something, or nothing—adds a unique perspective and spice to the communal stew that only you can provide.
will you join?
you are welcomed with open arms
P.S. — yes, it is less than 24-hours notice until we gather.
i imagine there are at least 5 groups of people.
Those who do not hear the call and ‘no’ this is not for you.
Those who feel the ‘yes’ —and are ready and able to commit.
Those who hear the ‘yes’ —and are ready, but can’t commit i.e., prior arrangements
Those who hear the ‘yes’ and in the face of obstacle, will not embark on the journey required to make arrangements to attend.
Those who hear the ‘yes’ and despite ‘obstacles’ will embark on the journey required to make arrangements to attend.
some of you will make it into the container
some of you won’t, regardless there will be lessons learned
i am holding the field and trust who is to attend, will.
if i can assist and/or support your journey to attend in any way, do reach out.
seconds shy of posting at 3:33pm, as i intended!
...and so it goes, the divine orchestration and reminder of whose in control!!!!
3+3+3=9 // a number often associated with completion
3+3+4=10=1 // the One, the first, origins, the whole, new beginnings, the womb
How appropriate that I, the greater Self, sent this message at 1, rather than 9.
Life, you continue to amaze me.