Men Speak | Sol® Ser•Men #131 — Chapter 5

Kenneth's Original Title:
Solar Sermon #224
Published Title:
a coded eagle transmission ... . ...
Sol / sun (in spanish) +
Ser / to be (verb) in Spanish +
Men / Eagle (in Kaqchikel language) +
12/29/24 is Kin #131 in the Mayan Tzolk'in Calendar =
Sol® Ser•Men #131
Little People Comment:
"Solar Sermon, Ken?
...or Mer•Man Ser•Men?"
Chapter 5: Return to 1ness
We end where we began,
with the One.
On October 19th, 2024 i entered Oregon after an extremely complex, challenging, and confronting 8-week chapter in California. While it's tempting to share more on that chapter—and the chapter that led into that chapter; and that infinitum—it's beyond the scope of this article and would require its own container. That said, it was during that California chapter, when i received this transmission from the Narwhales.
“So [back to Oregon'], i'm cruising on the I5 (primary highway that runs the span of the west coast) and feel exhausted; more like 'spent', but i'm also feeling rather enlivened by three magical and mystical days at Harbin Hot Springs, during the full moon on October 17th, 2024.
When i'm about two hours to my destination, i pull into a rest area for a bathroom and scroll break and see a post announcing that Barrett Lee Tegner has passed; and there would be a memorial in his hometown of Corvallis, Oregon on November 9th.
“Clearly Barrett chose his moment to transition; and clearly it is destined for me to attend, with my Eagle flute; joined by the Eagle Clan,” i thought."
i played this eagle flute at my dad's funeral as well as at the end of life memorial in Topanga, California in June of 2020 for my dear friend Daniel Tyler Pohnke.
[Bye, For Now : is a musical tribute and journey into the heart of love and was created in honor and celebration of my dear friend Daniel Tyler Pohnke.]
i put Barrett’s event in my calendar, while i literally sat, breathed, and noticed the energetic ripples which resulted from the discovery of his passing.
Unfortunately though, i put the event in my calendar for November 10th, not the 9th...
Two days prior to the event, i went onto facebook to check the post for event details and to investigate the possibility of playing my Eagle flute at the event. i could have inquired weeks earlier, but no, i waited until two nights prior to the event.
i’m glad i checked at all, for i discovered the event was the following morning, and not in two days. i felt relieved and grateful i followed the nudge. i left a comment offering to play flute and immediately received a direct message from Barrett's mother.
We started chatting and shared a heartfelt few minutes of connection. i shared with her that i had never met Barrett in person, nor ever spoken with him offline; we shared a handful of brief exchanges on messenger. Nonetheless, there was an essence of love and intimacy that transcended time and space in our exchanges.
i strongly felt i was to play the flute at the memorial and perhaps even read the eagle prayer that came through two nights prior. She shared the schedule was packed (literally and proverbially) and printed; so no flute.
On the day of, i absolutely had to play the flute, the eagles were screaming. While i was getting ready; the drive there; and during the memorial itself i felt the presence of countless eagles.
They were loud and so too was Barrett; colorful, bright, vivacious, of a rare quality of angelic being in human form.
His angelic essence was made palpable throughout—and for me, especially as the pastor read letter-after-letter from people around the world sharing how Barrett had impacted them. Tears flowed down my face throughout, i was absolutely astounded and awed by this man's impact on others; and the exquisite nuance and precision of articulation in which that impact was communicated in these letters…each was a unique frequential transmission; heart after heart massaging heart. i, fellllllltttttttt so much.
My tears were also tears of gratitude, for i was feeling at a depth i had never felt until then, my impact on others, care of Barrett. In Oneness i experienced his impact as my impact and was invited by him to simply breath and sit in the intensity. To literally breath and receive into every cell of my being the experience of my impact on others.
Not in thought or as an idea, but from within via direct experience. i was gifted the opportunity to receive the energetics of what would be transmitted if i, kenneth, were being celebrated in such a way. In this experience, there was no difference; it wasn’t about who or what or how; so much as the frequencies made available in this cauldron of acknowledgement and celebration care of Barrett.
His impact was my impact was our impact; the impact of life making love with life at emotional depths i had never felt until this profound experience…
deeper and deeper i went…into the waters where the eldest whales gather.
After a few letters i felt saturated, like i would implode if another were read. i wanted for it to end—and at the same time prayed for it to continue on forever.
Each letter was an exquisite symphony to behold and receive. Absolutely perfect, whole, and complete in its unique contribution to the alchemy of the whole.
Letter after letter, for what i imagine was around 30 to 45 minutes… i listened to one heart after another poetically share of Barrett’s impact, while he was alive.
Paradoxically, as is often the case in my life, Barrett’s greatest impact and medicine for me, Kenneth, came on the day his life was being celebrated.
Ironically, it was after he transitioned and at his memorial, when i felt the greatest connection to Barrett—and here i received the depth and potency of his medicine; the medicine uniquely crafted by him for me; by the Self for the Self in Oneness.
It took me a while to arrive home as the fabric of time warped and dilated. When i returned, with a setting sun looming on the horizon, i quickly found a place in the forest and setup my tripod. The eagles needed to sing before the sun set; it was critical…and i needed to move quickly.
This was their time to speak, Eagle Speak, and my moment to sing their message through this special walnut flute, handcrafted by my dear brother Adan.
..and so i did; as the day became night.
On November 7th, i attended a fundraising event in Portland, Resilience for Appalachia, which featured Max Ribner’s Resilient Beings Community Song Experience.
There was a certain moment during the event, when everyone was loose and limber, about 2/3rds of the way through, when i felt the presence and frequency of the Eagles.
i got my phone out and typed, Welcoming Eagle, and then put it back down.
Some minutes later, while i and everyone was deep in the singing and swaying, i shifted down to a chair and began ‘working out’ the message i was sensing; translating and massaging the frequencies into the words that felt most congruent.
i imagined i would be speaking into a microphone the words along with the eagle flute, but that was not what was in the cards for this evening.
i did attend the Resilient Beings Community Song Experience a week later in Bend, Oregon and did close out the community event with a potent impromptu flute transmission—and it was with one of my other flutes, not the Eagle flute.
From November 12-18th, i visited a friend in Bend, Oregon, and stayed in a tipi on her land… “8-days/7-nights of living amongst Juniper; tipi + fire + cold immersion + hiking + flute/didge + elemental attunement and deep listening”
Apparently i needed a week to clean-up; and re-wild and dissolve some domesticated constructs i had developed over the weeks and months prior.
One evening while sitting with a fire in the tipi, i received the inspiration to combine the flute playing from the day of Barrett’s memorial with the eagle transmission. So i followed the call and while the winds howled and the fire crackled outside, i sat with my laptop and edited and mixed the two.
My intention was to share it a few days later on the full moon of November 15th, but did not, because my presence was required elsewhere; at a divinely orchestrated appointment to support a father and son i had just met to connect in a new way.
For weeks i was holding onto the video, wanting to post, but it never felt right…that is until after the solstice and after the great celestial serpent transmission…it was then i felt the ‘yes’. My intention was to share a sequence of stories on instagram on 12/29, with some specific points, which had revealed to me in the 6-weeks since 11/15.
On 12/29 i had a multi-hour and multi-dimensional conversation with my brother, in which amongst many matters discussed, he implored me to share, whatever was available to share; a loving nudge essentially—and a share was already brewing. We hung up, i ate, and flowed my way into ‘making’.
Yet, between the convo with my bro and the fairly consistent somatic contraction i experience when i attempt to share ‘big transmissions’ (or anything really) on social, i realized quickly something else was taking shape, so i shifted over to another app and began typing—and that is how this ‘article/series’ began on that day…
After a few hours of writing, before the clock struck 12/30, i hopped onto instagram to make a ‘solar cycle’ post. i decided to post the ‘eagle transmission’, which had been sitting in my drafts for many weeks with a simple message, despite the prior vision of a sequence of stories. This was one of those moments when less was more!
With only a few minutes left on 12/29/24 pst, i posted that video with this message:
“12/29/24…today marked the completion of one solar cycle and the start of another for me—led by two eagles…time to fly with “welcoming eagle” and the feathered One(s). My gift to you, pause on the scrolling and receive as fits—and a gentle nudge to share if aligned. Regardless, the impact has already rippled across time and space and far beyond the virtual boundaries of this digital matrix. 🦅 🎉🦅”
i literally had no idea this series is what was to be,
born of surrender to the mys-tery.
i had sensed the stories i intended to post were of great significance—and the Eagle medicine—and it’s been quite a wild experience to see how the felt-sense (and initial plan for a few stories) translated into this Sol® Ser•Men #131 article(s).
In closing, i present to you the video i posted on 12/29/24.
You’ll need to click out of this email (or page) to view—and this is the integration ‘track’ for this email and series.
i wonder what the Eagles have for you…
i wonder what we have for you?
“when did this ‘Eagle Transmission’ begin?”
When exactly?
was it… no.
was it when...? no.
this moment…no.
back further?
”back to the day i entered the stage?”
…the day i was welcomed by two men?
🦅 two eagles 🦅
“what if…it never began and it shall never end”
says the One,
and the many.
says a soar of Eagles
… . … … . … … . …
…and that’s a wrap on Chapter 5 — and this series.
As i shared in Chapter 1, a living library of stories lives within, awaiting their moment to be brought into written form. Perhaps you’ve sensed what i mean by this, through your interaction with me and these articles. in this series i shared exactly what i was inspired and guided to share; and there’s truly so much more, for another now.
If you’re interested in purchasing a flute from Adan, here is his website. Please let him know how you found your way to him.
P.S. — if you’re interested in learning the flute or advancing your current skill level, i’m available to support you in that endeavor, send me an email. The guidance to begin offering this came through the night i closed the community event in Bend.
P.P.S. — i’m guided to offer two custom alchemical flute elixir’s. i will find an energetically resonant place to sit with the earth; attune to your being (and your intention); be me and do what i do; choose a flute and open to receive a song for you. If you’re interested, send me an email. price is flexible and negotiable. Here’s a link to some of my flute tracks for your enjoyment, regardless.
»»> Council with Ken <««
i’ll be offering a very special (2-hour) event at 1pm pst this coming Saturday, 1/11/25, called Council with Ken. i’ve been holding and gestating the vision for many months and it is now time to officially inaugurate the container, care of this Eagle Clan initiation. The day sign for 1/11 is Kan — the feathered serpent. The weavings and alignments are profound and continue to reveal themselves to me… all signs point to the day of Kan. i’ll share more tonight or tomorrow—and for now, heads up, there’s 11 seats…message me if interested.
with love,