Men Speak | Sol® Ser•Men #131 — Chapter 3

Kenneth's Original Title:
Solar Sermon #224
Published Title:
a coded eagle transmission ... . ...
Sol / sun (in spanish) +
Ser / to be (verb) in Spanish +
Men / Eagle (in Kaqchikel language) +
12/29/24 is Kin #131 in the Mayan Tzolk'in Calendar =
Sol® Ser•Men #131
Little People Comment:
"Solar Sermon, Ken?
...or Mer•Man Ser•Men?"
Chapter 3: Birth K'en
With the introduction to the Tzolk'in in Chapter 2, we now have the scaffolding in place for me to share with you my personal Tzolk'in information and for it to be received in a good way; in a way that serves the larger Eagle theme of this series.
Drum roll is the day-sign, Trecena # and ruling Trecena sign for the date of my birth on 12/29/xx:
My 'Mayan birth kin' is:
1 Men/Tz'ikin/Eagle
1 (Galactic Tone above) corresponds to the first day of the 13-days of the Trecena. The day sign is Men/Tz'ikin/Eagle. For that 13-day Trecena period, of which this was the first day, the ruling Trecena Nahual was also Men/Tz'ikin.
The Galactic Tone is another label for the number of the day within the 13-day Trecena Period. Like everything else, that number isn't just a number, but a lens into an entire body of wisdom that weaves with the other threads. For example, #1 speaks to themes of unity, origins, creation, and beginnings.
In my words, i entered thru the birth portal on the day of Eagle during a 13-day period governed by Eagle. Further, the day i entered this dimension was 1 of those 20 days during a 260 day Tzolk'in cycle when the day-sign and Trecena sign are the same (as i discussed in Chapter 2).
As shared earlier, such only happens on the first day of any 13-day Trecena period. Because i like math, there's a 7.7% chance anyone would have a day and ruling trecena sign that are the same.
Further, only once in any given 260-cycle will the day-sign and ruling trecena sign both be eagle. The chance of being born on that day is .38% and that's just what happened when i chose to enter the stage on the Gregorian date of 12/29/xx.
As an aside, we saw this too on 12/29/24, the day i initiated writing this article series:
The day sign would be written "1 Chuen" and is in the 13-day Trecena period of Chuen. The day and trecena sign were both Chuen/Monkey, which is the only day in the 260-day cycle this will happen, until such occurs again in the next 260 day Tzolk'in cycle.
Again, this was the 1st day of the (new) 13-day Trecena period, hence galactic tone of 1, the same galactic tone as my birth kin; further accentuating the energy of new beginnings and creation, which was the energy that served to catalyze this article; on the very day i was celebrating the beginning of a new solar cycle in the Gregorian Calendar!
Quite profound, isn't it?! 12/29/24 is further 'unique' in that in this particular 260-day cycle it is Kin 131 ...this day is the first (1) day of the second half of the cycle. Below is a graphic/chart that is used for charting any 260-day Tzolk'in Cycle. There's a lot going on here and despite the temptation, i'm going to leave out the explanation. What i want is for you to simply notice where Kin 131 is located...zoom out and simply notice the symmetry of this day's position.
what a miracle I AM, as is each of us.
i truly wish for every one reading this to feel as awed by the perfection of your individuated being, as i do mine...and may you discover the language that supports such knowing.
Returning to the subject of my birth kin,
it's no coincidence i have a particular affinity to the energetics—and embodied energetic signature/essence—of the Eagle, which continues to reveal itself to me in the most magical and mysterious of ways as i experience life and deepen in intimacy with Self.
An intimacy and intimate and ever deepening conversation with life that far transcends my capacity to articulate with language...and paradoxically, there's some eagle themed personal sharing that wants to happen in this article. Of course my life has been as [insert adjective of choice] as it has, for i, kenneth, am destined to embody and express the essence of Eagle...the training began long before i entered this plane of existence.
Here's some relevant snippets from various sources that i find resonant with the essence of energetics i've tapped into as i continue to be initiated by life to carry, offer, be and become the medicine of my very eagle-like being.
The Mediator Between Earth and Sky:
"Men, or Tz’ikin in K’iche’ Maya, is the far-seeing Eagle, the great bird that soars far above the highest peaks of mountains and pyramids, high above the din of mankind, where only sacred silence and the breath of winds reign. Sweeping across vast stretches of sky on broad powerful wings, Men enters the dreams of men and women to impart important messages and revelations.
Made of legend, his breadth and acuity of vision surpasses that of any other living thing, and that is why this day-sign embodies vision, clarity, perception, and profound understanding.
Men is the Guardian of the Sun and cosmic space, and the eloquent mediator between the opposing viewpoints of Uk’ux Kaj and Uk’ux Ulew (Heart of Sky, Heart of Earth). Men’s animal totems are the eagle and maq’uq’, the sacred quetzal bird.³"
"According to Maya legend, the sun was an Eagle and one of the most powerful day signs...
in Mesoamerican myth, everything has two aspects or faces, so the Eagle carries the symbolism of the moon as well as the sun. On the one hand, a young moon goddess represents budding and flowering, and on the other hand, an old moon goddess represents ancient wisdom. The Yucatec word “Men” means “the wise one.”
This lunar goddess was also called Eagle Woman as she wore a headdress of eagle feathers. According to Kenneth Johnson in Jaguar Wisdom, “Thus sun and moon, male and female, combine in one archetype: When the sun rises, he is ‘soaring eagle’; when the sun sets, he is ‘falling eagle’.
The moon wears the sun in her hair. The Eagle is the sign of the spiritual warrior, whose heart is pure like the heart of the sun; but underneath the bright and shining glory of the daytime sun lies an older, subtler archetype of quiet wisdom: First Mother, the moon, the crone of wisdom.⁴"
"The name derives from Tz’i, the Authority, and Q’in, Father sun. In other words, Tz’ikin is the Sun’s authority, the representation of the Father of Earth.⁵"
This quote is the key that helped me to unlock the Eagle Code that was hidden in plain sight within the title. i'll share that again and now it may make more sense.
Original Title:
Solar Sermon #224
Published Title:
...a coded eagle transmission ... . ...
Sol / sun (in spanish) +
Ser / to be (verb) in Spanish +
Men / Eagle (in Kaqchikel language) +
12/29/24 is Kin #131 in the Mayan Tzolk'in Calendar =
Sol® Ser•Men #131
Finally, a specific testimonial from my website, which for me lands the above, here on the ground:
“Ken is an amazingly skilled and compassionate listener which is demonstrated by the sheer effect of just his presence in space-holding and reaches Beyond the time shared together. His support has been critical in my path and I’m so greatful for the recalibration he’s offered in his example of being a fathering presence. May we all get the opportunity to be so tenderly held in our journeys in the way you so gracefully do Ken.” —Shannon, San Diego, CA
...and that's a wrap.
You know the drill; sage, breath, movement, or simply stillness for some moments before shifting into whatever is next for you.
Below is a track for you to listen to for integration.
P.S. – for those curious...the next chapter is 'story time' – i'm going to share about one of the most significant initiatory events of my life, my dad's death.